Monday, August 30, 2010

My Apologies in Advance...

I'm going to be terrible at dating you. I just know it. You see, I'd be very good at being all-in, in a committed relationship. On the other hand, I've had most of my life to practice being all-out. I have no idea how to act in between, in the dating stage, to not bore you, but not leave myself too vulnerable until you've made a commitment to me for the long haul.

Here's an insider tip for ya though:
If I ever deliberately avoid a topic or refuse to answer a question, it's not that I don't want to tell you! Please don't assume I'm trying to hide an awful secret from you. I'm not even sure I have any awful secrets to hide! If you ever get the idea I'm omitting information, especially while we are dating, it's either because:
A) I don't think you're interested, or...
B) for the sake of modesty. For the love, please change the topic!

...Some things just need to be saved for later.

I'm sorry for any frustration this will cause you. Hang in there bud.

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