Monday, October 4, 2010

our love is here to stay.

To the husbands and wives of the future:

Do not lose your fervor.

First and above all, do not lose your fervor for the Lord. Nothing else will be good enough, will be as excellent, or as beautiful if you neglect the worth and glory of our Lord and Savior. It takes constant prayer and the laying down of our selfishness, and it is the greatest and most important thing we can do with our lives. Do not lose your childlike love, awe, and wonder for our great Father. He has told each leaf what color and shade is should be and He alone can change them. His glory is unmeasurable.

Secondly, do not lose your fervor for loving your spouse. We all put so much worry and effort into dating / finding a boyfriend or girlfriend / impressing each other / dreaming of the future / being broken hearted when it doesn't work out the way we planned. For all that effort and worry, how many marriages do we see now that still reflect that same fervor and admiration? Marriage shouldn't be the last step in a relationship, it should be permission to finally love and cherish the one you love as much as you possibly can. Of course I realize that it won't always be easy and maybe not even something you want to do everyday. There is freedom in marriage to not have boundaries to be guarded in your love and the need to be careful to not give too much of yourself too quickly as in dating. I fear I've seen the opposite as I've observed the realm of dating. We give so much of ourselves while dating or in a serious relationship with someone. It almost seems like it's our pitiful way of getting relational insurance. If I give this much, there's no way that he/she can leave me. Then once we get married, it's on with the chains and the horrible single days are over jokes. That is not the way it should be! Your married so that you can finally love unconditionally and fully with no limitations! Husbands love as Christ loved the church (He gave EVERYTHING for the church), and wives love as you submit to your husband as to the Lord with respect for him. (Ephesians 5. *please have a correct and biblical, loving understanding of submitting).

Date each other after your married.
Surprise each other.
Flirt with your spouse. and not anyone else!

Mr. until we are old and gray with bad knees and adding glucose to our water, flirt with me and do not lose your fervor and admiration for me. I hope that we fall more in love with each other everyday, even on the off days.

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