Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Damsels in Distress

I am not super enthusiastic about the whole idea of being locked in a tower and I definitely don't want you, future husband, to call me "princess".  However, I do appreciate being rescued.

Whether it's disposing of a dead rodent, helping solve a technical problem, moving a heavy bookshelf or coming to my aid when I get a flat tire or run out of gas, I love knowing that there is a strong, brave, smart, reliable man who will help me when I get into situation we can't handle on my own.

LADIES: Remeber the guys like helping you! So if you are like me and want to prove that you can do everything on your own, don't be afraid to step back and let the man in your life show of how awesome he is by rescuing you from your predicaments every once and while! Save your heroics for a time when there isn't an obliging gentleman around.


  1. I am wicked good at opening jars.
    But I always ask my husband to open the "tough ones" for me. He gets to show off his manliness in a practical, everyday way, and I get to look at his biceps.

  2. haha! that's awesome.... ^ way to go ;) and i totally agree with this!
