Thursday, September 2, 2010


Dear Future Husband -

I really like adventure, spontaneity, mystery and finding wonder in the little things, it doesn't have to be elaborate.

Just a late night trip to the park, to wade in the cool shiny lake on a late summer night or to stand and stare at the stars from the platform of a playground or enjoy a late night barefoot stroll down the street with old friends under the looming sounds of an approaching thunderstorm.

Just the small things to help me remember that not everything in life is as it seems, places that are full of screaming children and passing cars become peaceful sanctuaries that provide just a little bit of adventure as you anxiously wait for the cop car to come around the corner and tell you that you are not allowed in the park after dark.

So honey, remember to take time to appreciate the wonder in the small things, to be adventurous, to not get caught up in the  in the repetitious routine of daily life, but to appreciate each moment that we have together and to spend sometime barefoot on a beach in the dark, with me.


  1. I couldn't have said this better. I agree whole-heartily.

    Darling, I just want to walk around with you, take the long way home and take our time. To listen to the rain fall against the leaves, count falling stars, and pretend those spotlights from the state fair are giant fireflies dancing way up above the clouds.

    There's so much joy in simple things. So much life. I just want to share it with you.

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this. Random, spontaneous, free moments to just pause and as you said, "finding wonder in the little things" are wonderful and don't happen nearly enough. Those moments are pretty much impossible to beat.
