Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Love of a Lifetime

Today, I had to face one very sobering fact.  I am a girl and I am totally and irrevocably, a romatic sap at heart.

You see, my 4'11' mom set an example of not letting the hand your were dealt keep you from accomplishing anything, she taught me that I am capable and strong.  My do-it-yourself dad taught me how to swing a hammer and roof a house.  I like to believe that I am independent and I can take care of myself.  

Tonight I watched Letters to Juliet, a very predictable chick flick, as I had expected, but a story about sweethearts who had fallen in love 50 years before, married other people, had families of their own and after the death of their spouses, 50 years later, they found each other and were married at last.

Now I know that this is a ficitious story, but it got me thinking about love and romance.  My do-it-yourself, stand-on-your-own-two-feet attitude has gotten me through a lot of things in life, and most days it carries me through, the drive and passions that I have are important and part of who I am to the core, but part of me still longs for something more.

I long to be held in the arms of a man who loves me for all my faults, all my failures, all my strengths and all my joys.  I still wait for the day when I will be standing in front of my closest friends and family, staring into the eyes of my best friend.  And most of all, I look forward to the day when across from me I see a wrinkled old man, he has walked with me through many seasons of life, he has been there in the hard times and in the best times and he is still anxious to take me by the hand and face the next stage with the woman he loves.


  1. Beautifully put!

    It is an interesting transition, from single independence to married interdependence. I am still learning and trying to figure that one out.

    Our society keeps telling women that they don't need men (and vice versa), but I think deep down, we all have a desire to not only be able to take care of ourselves, but also to take care of someone else and be taken care of.

    I can't wait to meet the man that God has set apart to take care of you and love you for the rest of your life! You will be an ADORABLE old lady :D

  2. Cuuuuuute!
    Gosh, I even got all misty-eyed reading this, Britt. :)

  3. As a married woman you make an interesting point. Ironically women learn to be independent and self sufficient and society does praise these characteristics. However these same character traits can be poison in your marriage. Men need to be needed. Men need to accomplish. Men need to be respected. Only one person fits in the driver seat. And let me tell you it is very hard to give up that seat. It takes alot of prayer and patience.

  4. Kristi -

    Thanks for the comment. It's always good to hear from married women the things to be careful of as I someday (hopefully) approach getting married. I know that is going to be something I will have to work at someday!
