Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why We Started "Dear Future Husbands"

First of all, we are not out to bash men in any way. We really appreciate how God made men! :)
Rather, we wanted to bridge a communication gap between the sexes.

It is an outlet for us, as single young women, to tell you men what we wish you knew, minus the awkwardness of saying it to you individually in person.

And for you, future husbands everywhere, it's a candid glimpse of the inner thoughts of some real women. A lot of things we write about have been published before - it's not necessarily earth-shattering information. But hopefully it means more coming from us, rather than from a book or an article making broad generalizations. We want this blog to help you understand "what women want," and why. We want you to understand us, really!! Hopefully the things we write about are helping you make sense of the tangled mess of our minds, giving you some good insights, and helping you become a better future husband to whomever you decide to marry.

If someone wants to start a "Dear Future Wives" blog, I would be very interested in reading it! :)

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