Saturday, September 4, 2010

Things I Am Very Much Looking Forward To

(Volume #1)
  • Just doing life with you, the mundane day-to-day, and still finding a way to laugh about it
  • Getting rooted in a solid church with you
  • Always knowing who my date will be for events
  • Not feeling awkward talking about the future, because I won't have to guess whether or not you want me to be in it with you
  • Not having to be my own breadwinner/handyman/bug-exterminator. I will GLADLY hand those responsibilities over to you!! :D
  • Traveling with you, taking tons of photos, eating lots of food, meeting lots of people, forbearing lots of travel mishaps, and coming home with gazillions of stories
  • Making a home with you, making it a unique, fun and relaxing place to be, and inviting our friends over all the time
  • Raising ridiculous hoodlum children with you, and teaching them to love the Lord and love others
  • Dancing in the kitchen. This is a must.
  • Swooning as you play guitar and/or sing (please tell me you can do at least one of these things! I don't care if you're fantastic at it or not!)
  • Going through crazy life experiences with you that will make for very good stories that we'll be telling people for the rest of our lives
  • Rolling my eyes when you intentionally (OR unintentionally) act ridiculous... but failing miserably at holding back my huge grin that shows I secretly LOVE those moments!

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