Monday, October 18, 2010

Friend Zone Myths Debunked!

Fellas, I don't know how the dreaded friend zone became such a huge concern, but for the most part, it hardly even exists.

There are a few guys who may catch our eyes right away, but they're not the ones we go home and think about, and ask our friends for advice about.

On the contrary, it's the men we've known for a while - long enough to know at least a fair amount about their character - that become long-term crushes. These are the men we trust to not take advantage of us, and who we want to protect us from those that would.

People change and grow over time, and so do their priorities and desired qualities in a mate. Guys, please don’t discount a girl you like because you think she deposited you in the “friend zone” long ago. Even if she has, if you feel strongly enough about her, you can probably persuade her to rethink how she feels about you with a bit of creative wooing.
Be encouraged - On the off-chance you unwillingly find yourself in the friend zone, know that it doesn’t have to be a permanent residence!

Disclaimer to guys: A girl may have legitimate reasons for keeping you in the friend zone, such as issues of maturity, or differing core beliefs.
On that note, a message to the ladies: Aside from those kind of non-negotiables, likewise, don’t discount a man just because you’re not initially attracted to him.

That is all.


  1. According to some sources of mine, it seems that the friend zone is more of a guy thing. Guys have a harder time taking girls out of the friend zone.
    But then again, maybe that's just my soures

    i do agree though, that the long term crushes tend to be guys you've known for awhile - ones who you've seen more of their true character

  2. One other disclaimer:

    Though if you have legitimate feelings for a friend, it never hurts to try. Sink or swim you have to give it a try. Please keep in mind however, there may be reasons why a girl/guy will not budge on the matter and wants to keep you as a friend - for heavens sakes leave it alone and keep your friendship. There's no use pushing if its a clear no. And if you get a no - that doesn't mean that person doesn't value you as a friend and human being. So don't sulk for too long.

  3. As a woman who had mistakenly put a guy in said "friend zone" who has now been my rockin' awesome boyfriend for over a year and a half, I can definitely attest to the truth of this! One of the things that got me hook, line, and sinker, was that he was even still interested in me after all this time.
