Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Ice Queen Phenomenon

Here’s another long post from me! Guess I have a lot to say about this. I thought of making it a two-parter, but why make you wait for the conclusion?? I trust you can make it through just fine. Here we go...

So, I recently have been following a heated comment thread here.
Check it out if you like, but here my summary: the men say they are reluctant to approach women because they have concluded that all women are either "Ice Queens," or "harpies circling Mr. Unattainable"?!

I would like to address the Ice Queen phenomenon, as I understand it.
My definition of an Ice Queen is a woman who gives the impression of being unfriendly and unreceptive to a man approaching her.

Here are my credentials: I've totally been guilty of being the Ice Queen myself, especially in my younger years. I've never been afraid of stubbornly deflecting anyone I felt uneasy about. Then again, at that time I was painfully shy and unhealthily afraid of pretty much everyone. *sigh*

It wasn't that I disliked people. Rather, I lived under the belief that everyone automatically disliked me, for some reason I was blind to. You could easily say I had an inferiority complex. I really wanted to be friends with people, but my biggest fear was of being an annoyance to anyone, so I tried to stay out of everyone's way, would never voice an opposing opinion, and kept from doing anything that might draw attention. My "reasoning" was that people who actually wanted to be friends would naturally make the first move to get to know me. (Although if anyone ever actually did, I was usually suspicious of their motives until I knew enough about them to trust them! Brilliant, right?)

So thus, I had a very difficult time making friends, and was never taught how to act around boys or how to attract any positive attention. Or any attention at all.

Girls, if you’re thinking "that's totally me right now!" ...know that it will do a VERY good job of keeping you out of trouble with boys. ...Aaannnnd that's about all it's good for. It does not help you become a well-adjusted human being, or help you form deep, meaningful friendships, or do well in job interviews, et cetera. It's hard to get out of, but with a lot of willpower, time, practice, surrounding yourself with good people and learning to experience true freedom in Christ, you don't have to be trapped in your head like that anymore. You have to really want to change. But it’s possible. (Exhibit A, right here! Let’s talk!)

I don't share these things about myself to ask for sympathy (empathy? pity?) but to hopefully put words to what others are experiencing and therefore expose to the light what happens in the darkness of many minds. And for this post, to shed some light on the Ice Queen phenomenon, because I've been there, and I know I am still very capable of it.

I understand there are many other different ways the Ice Queen can manifest herself. But I think most men have a poor understanding of what this woman is actually thinking.

Guys, the Ice Queen phenomenon is a self-defense tactic. Assuming the woman in question is single, here are some common situations. We either:
  • A) rightfully think you’re a creeper, or see something glaringly obvious that is sending up red flags, so we intentionally keep our distance. This category generally is reserved for those of you who proudly identify yourselves as “playas,” or otherwise lead a lifestyle that is contrary to our morals and values. Or that could land you in prison. ...Or, we...
  • B) wrongfully think you're a creeper - at which point (after re-evaluating how you come across to others) you may have to get creative to prove us wrong, because we love a good legitimate pursuit!! ...or...
  • C) You're likely a fantastic guy deep down but we can't see it because something in your behavior is awkward, annoying, pushy, unhygienic, or comes across in some other unpleasant manner that is standing in the way, and we can't bring ourselves to speak so bluntly to you... so we resort to avoidance. If you're getting this vibe a lot, you miiiiight want to ask some wise person (of the same gender) to be painfully honest to help you figure out what you need to fix. If you can identify yourself as this type of guy, please learn some social skills. I don’t say that to be mean - I say it as someone who's been there, to challenge you to observe how other people interact and compare it to your own interactions, read up on personality types, take psychology or communication classes, and/or read helpful articles online such as this: (Don't Be That Guy), along with all the others on this fantastic website called the Art of Manliness! ...oooorrrr...
  • D) we're having a bad day. Now here is a challenging opportunity for you! Most of us women love venting, although we probably need to be convinced that you care enough to listen, and that you aren’t guy “A” or “C” in this list. If you approach carefully, and can exercise the art of drawing us out without pushing for more than we feel comfortable sharing, this can result in a win-win situation! ...OR...
  • E) we're actually very interested, but don't want to appear too "forward" (perish the thought he might think I’m interested even though I am! *gasp*) so we err on the side of acting cold... ugh... (guess who's been guilty of that?) (yeah that'd be me.) ...or...
  • F) we're just clueless, and we're so used to being on the defensive that we just default to unwittingly acting icy around all men. We honestly think our behavior is normal and expected of us. We're sorry!! ...OOOORRRRR...
  • G) it really might be you making things up in your perception of a woman’s behavior. Perhaps you are just clueless yourself. She’s probably agonizing herself right now, wondering why you won’t ask her out, despite her trying to coyly get your attention for months!

So, looking at this bulleted list mathematically, if you think you're facing an Ice Queen, you still have a 78.6% chance in your favor (I counted point C as half) that she might warm up a little to you if you approach carefully and don't get scared away. How's that for scientific reasoning?!

Okay, okay, so these aren't the only reasons a woman would act cold toward a man. Everyone has their own things in life they need to take into account. I just wanted to make known some possible reasons for girls acting icy around guys, and to encourage you guys to not let yourselves be dismissed so quickly by such a woman! :)

Disclaimer - The key is to be observant of the subtle signals she is sending. I recommend you stick around long enough to ask a few questions, bring up a subject of interest you might have in common, get a few sentences out of her. She might just be shy, and would really like you to pry a little bit. In which case, by all means stay and keep talking, and ask questions to draw her out! But if she still seems like she’s trying to end the conversation after everything you say, politely make a clean break, and leave her alone. This could be a sign that you might be “Guy C” from the list above (especially if you observe you seem to be the only guy getting the ice, and she is not acting cold at all toward other guys). Or it could be that she just has issues. Or maybe she is already taken and doesn’t want people to see her without her significant other, talking to someone as devastatingly handsome as you.

And now for an inspirational quote from everyone’s favorite relationship advisor, Hitch! (Full of sweeping generalizations, but still makes some excellent points!):
Basic principles: no woman wakes up saying, ‘I hope I don't get swept off my feet today!" ... It's not a bad time for her. She doesn't need any space. And she may be into her career, but what she's really saying is, "Uh, get away from me now," or possibly, "Try harder, stupid." But which one is it? 60% of all human communication is nonverbal, body language; 30% is your tone. So that means that 90% of what you're saying ain't coming out of your mouth. Of course she's going to lie to you! She's a nice person. She doesn't want to hurt your feelings. What else she going to say? She doesn't even know you... yet. ... Basic principles: no matter what, no matter when, no matter who... any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. He just needs the right broom.


  1. Hey look a comment!
    Please add you own :) We've had several good ones lately! Keep 'em up!

  2. Marlys,
    You are such a good writer, and you bring up some really good points. I am looking forward to following your blog.

  3. Marlys,

    you = amazing


  4. yup. spot on. Thanks Marlys!

    Angela VL

  5. Very insightful treatment of a subject I think it's easy for us guys to be totally oblivious to. Thanks for revealing very clearly and succinctly the inner workings of the ice queen phenomena and very pointed and practicable ways to do something about it. Though I already am a husband, I truly hope that many men who hope to become a good husband read and benefit from your exploration of a common occurrence.

    Thanks for drawing my attention to this great Andalasia blog that I didn't know existed till now. You've made a good impression and I'd recommend this post to all single men.

  6. Nice scientific reasoning!

    I think there is one point, though, that wasn't addressed (was it? I am seriously lacking sleep)—the ice queen phenomenon that is actually a derivative of the "playing hard to get" phenomenon. Playing hard to get is basically a principle taught women in nearly any sitcom or drama TV show that concerns single women. Because don't you dare show interest or you will appear needy or clingy.

    I think there are two situations in which I have ever played the "Ice queen" card. The first is in the case of a guy being really annoying or creepy (both of those usually come down to immaturity), like C. After reading the "Don't be That Guy" blog, I think it's safe to say that I've avoided and/or ignored every one of those types.

    The second situation occurred after a failed Ruth Phenomenon. I thought I was being obvious in showing that I was interested (though I wasn't so forward as the Biblical Ruth...), but I wasn't feeling pursued, so I stepped back for a while to see if he was just a friendly guy or if he actually wanted to pursue me. He did. And now we're married.

    Girls are tricky. It's sad and unfair, but we test men all the time. Guys, you have to figure out whether we are interested or are completely irked by you. Personally, I think the difference is obvious if you have social skills. If you are confused, ask a woman who doesn't have an emotional stake in the results of a possible relationship between you and the girl you've got your eye on.

    But honestly, if you like a girl, just avoid all of the drama and tell her you like her. If the feeling isn't mutual, you can get on with your life sooner and stop wasting your time on someone who doesn't recognize how great you are.

  7. Well, since I have a hunch this post was written at least partly in response to my last comment, I suppose I had better comment. To start with, I just finished reading through that whole comment thread and my head is dizzy. Also, I'm not entirely sure what I learned from it. There was a lot of good advice in there, a lot of confused people, a lot of bitter people, and overall a whole lot more complication than I would have guessed. Then again, I suppose I'd be right there hurting along with some of them if I hadn't learned how to hide my heart in Christ and to filter the messages and meanings I'm hearing through Him. (Not that I always do that, but at least I know how to!)

    Okay, back to the post at hand. I appreciate your insight and honesty, Marlys. It sounds like you've come a long way in this and I always appreciate a good spiritual journey. Transformation into Christ-likeness is both difficult and beautiful! (You go, girl!) As for your thoughts in this post, here are a few responses that come to mind:

    ~You likely know this already, but icing up out of belief that people dislike you is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whether or not he had an opinion of you before, he is most likely to have a poor one of you afterwards that will take some work to root out later, if it ever is. On a more general level, FEAR itself in all forms is a prophecy, and when actions spring from within it it has a much greater chance of coming true.

    ~Looking at your list, that's mostly an encouraging list of potential thoughts ice-woman could be thinking, though I can think of at least a few others that seem possible as well. And none of the ones you mentioned seem to quite fit a couple of the people I've had experiences with. Still, for future reference and application I thank you.

    ~Hitch is a good movie!

    ~I'll end with a question: Assuming I don't fall into A or C categories (which I'm hoping is true... :O ), it can feel quite like a chess or boxing match "to not let yourselves be dismissed so quickly" by ice-woman. If, by observing her subtle signals (WAY harder than you may think, as we men use a whole different set of signals than you do. Learning yours is somewhat akin to learning a whole new language whose accents vary wildly from person to person--and all without the help of a textbook to guide us. I'm sure many of you women feel the same way of us.) I come to the conclusionthat she really does want me to break through the ice, I would love to hear some more recommendations you have on how to successfully do that.

  8. I don't necessarily disagree with your post, but I do have some counter-thoughts. Yes a man should pursue a woman, but a woman needs to open herself up to be pursued. Understanding that you are an Ice Queen is a good step, but you can't leave it there and say, "That's the way I am, so deal with it." A girl can't just clam up (even if she is an Ice Queen) and expect a guy to figure her out - especially before there's even a "relationship." There's enough to figure out from a guy's perspective as it is - you don't want the guy to be tired and exhausted just trying to get the door open. I love the thrill of pursuit, but I want to have the energy to be able to continue the pursuit even after the pre-relationship phase.

  9. I think Pat brings up a good point.. We can't just stay the way that we are. It doesn't matter who you are, we all have faults in relationships, we are emotionally closed or ready to spill our guts, scared to trust or impatiently waiting for our future spouse.

    We all need to recognize the areas and grow beyond them, stretch ourselves to be better!

    Since this post is an encouragement to those struggling with a tendency towards the Ice Queen mentality, I will offer a few thoughts on how someone could potentially fight the Ice Queen mentality.

    1. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone - Surround yourself with quality guys and girls in a non-threatening environment, our house hosts Sabbath Dinner. Recognize that these self-defense tactics might be based on misconceptions.

    2. Talk With People of the Opposite Sex - Find people that are not scary, close friends, the boyfriend of your roommate, ask them question about your struggles in relationships. This can help you learn about how guys brains work, cause it's TOTALLY different than girls brains!

    3. Hang Out With People Who Are Comfortable in Mixed Company - For me this was the most helpful way to learn how to interact with guys in a way that was not overbearing or timid.

    These are things I have done that have helped me to understand and interact with guys! Hope it helps!

  10. First, hats off to Marlys! I think the DFH blog has really matured in the past couple of months, and it's awesome to hear that people are finding out about it and recommending it to others. To think what started off as an innocent conversation between the girls of our house has blossomed into something like this is encouraging. I hope to contribute to it more frequently in the future as I've been on quite the hiatus.

    Side note: As Joe stated, you HAVE come a long way, Marlys! Since I first met you a few years ago, you have grown so much. You are truly an inspiration. :-)

    Second, I agree that there are probably more reasons as to why some girls are Ice Queens. I don't think the seven reasons given were meant to be conclusive, but seven is a good place to start (and hey, it's biblical!) :-p Overall, I think for the length of the post being what it was, Marlys really nailed the major heavy-hitting reasons. However, because we're all about learning, what are some of the other reasons you have observed, Joe?

    Third, I hear you loud and clear, Pat!! :-) You make an excellent point. I think a good place to look is the recent post titled "Intentional Receptivity". These kinds of things go both ways, and it's not fair as women to expect guys to be some relationship MacGyver and do all the work and figure things out. We can't read minds any better than you can. :-) In a nutshell, the post states that women need to a) be open to building friendships with members of the opposite gender, b) be a good steward of opportunities that come up (aka "giving the guy a fair chance"), and c) making it easy for men to pursue.

    And with that, I'll conclude my two cents that as usual has turned into a novel.
