Sunday, March 27, 2011

Let's Hear It For The Boy!

It’s easy on a blog like this to fall into a pattern of putting the burden on men, and pointing out negative things that we think need to be changed. With this post, I’d like to go the completely opposite direction, and hopefully encourage some guys out there by pointing out the things we really appreciate about them!

So without further adieu, here are some things we’ve noticed in our own real-life interactions with some of you guys we actually know that have helped us form some very high opinions of you!
  • Holding doors - chivalry is not dead!
  • Moving heavy stuff for us
  • Assembling large items
  • Hanging things on walls
  • Repairing things in our house
  • Fixing car problems
  • Averting your eyes during certain scenes in movies (yeah, we notice. And we’re super impressed when we see it. See my expanded thoughts on this here.)
  • Offering your sweatshirt/jacket when it's cold - we know it’s huge and we look ridiculous, but it makes us feel cared for!
  • Building bonfires (I sure don't know how!)
  • Offering to pray for everyone before a meal - we reeeeally like seeing this!
  • Cleaning up after meals we’ve cooked! - thankyouthankyouthankyou!
  • Listening to what we have to say, asking questions and being truly interested in the answer
  • Complimenting us when you think we look nice - we remember, and we’re more likely to do it again! (Lindsay wrote a whole post on why this is important!)
  • Including us when you get a group of friends together to do something fun or just chill
  • Sticking to your own values to determine how you act, how you respond to difficult situations, what you do or do not let yourself be exposed to - When we’ve learned over time where you stand and what your boundaries are, we know we can trust you and feel and safe around you, knowing you're not going to try anything sketchy!
  • Looking out for us when walking around downtown
  • Escorting us to our cars when we've parked far away
  • Dropping us off at the door before parking when it's cold outside - and when it's time to go home, insisting that we wait inside while you pull the car around - WOW!!!
  • Dressing up nice for formal events - y’all look so sharp!
  • Recalling details of things we’ve talked about, details about our likes and dislikes, remembering what our favorite things are, and things that make each of us unique
  • Hugs. They make us feel small and cute!
  • Dancing with us! Yay!!
  • Doing/saying goofy things just to make us laugh!

GUYS: If you see yourself in some of these things - THANK YOU for being wonderful! We really appreciate knowing you and having you as friends!

Why don't we vocalise these appreciations all the time? Because it's hard! Lame excuse, I know. But I think it goes both ways, eh? ;)

GIRLS: Let's keep it going! What else do you see and appreciate about your guy friends that we can add to the list??


  1. amen marlys! I think you covered a good chunk of things, and there really are many more.
    I can put a huge star next to:
    -helping us with things around the house/car (things I used to have my dad do for me, but is now too far away).
    -helping pick things up when we're hosting/cooking.
    -when a guy notices/remembers things i've said in the past that i enjoy/dislike, that is huge! I know you're listening and it shows that you care enough to retain that seemingly pointless information.
    -sticking to who you are is huge for me. I think I wrote a post about this in the past? maybe that was on my other blog...hmm. anyhow. Don't change who you are for me or for anyone else (unless its like a sin/character/biblical change. that obviously isn't what i'm talking about)! I appreciate that you don't give a hoot about what people think about you.
    -general concern for our well-being. It's nice to feel like we're looked after, even if it's by our guy friends.
    *I know this wasn't on here, but I can personally attest to how awesome I think this is: If you hear that we've had a really crummy week, and you go out of your way to spend time with us or find time to have a chill night. For me that takes a huge burden off my week and helps lighten to load, and it goes along with knowing we are generally cared for.

    okay. I'm done rambling. Thanks for being uber rad gentlemen! :)

  2. Not just guys being themselves, but letting me feel free to be myself is HUGE. I'm a pretty dorky person, so it's great when guys appreciate me for who I am, lame jokes and all! :D

  3. Yeah bewilderedmother! I agree a million percent!

    I also want to add to the list of things we appreciate about the guys we know:

    Saving me from bugs.
