Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This post is not addressed to any future husband who may or may not ever come calling, but to the wonderful person/people who gave me the amazing surprise yesterday afternoon of leaving my favorite ice cream on my doorstep.
The day started out horridly for me due to reasons I won’t get into on here, but in the midst of the whirlwind, I received a mysterious phone call from a woman saying she was an “elf” and that I should check outside my front door. Before I could ask who it was, she hung up. Sure enough, outside the front door of Andalasia was a plastic bag containing “Joe’s Italian Bliss”, a heavenly hazelnut ice cream that has since been christened as “Giuseppe” (Giuseppe being the Italian rendering of “Joseph”) and jokingly referred to as my “husband” on this blog. Attached to the top of the ice cream carton was a white post-it-note with the following message:
“Dear G-pers,
God loves you. Phil. 4:19

~ Your blog fan club”

Awww!! How cool is that?!

After quite a bit of detective work, I was able to put some of the puzzle pieces together, but there are still some holes to be filled in. One thing I figured out, however, was that whoever sent me the ice cream a) reads this blog/has read my post on Giuseppe ice cream and b) is friends with me on Facebook as they saw that I was having a bad day via my status, and then sent the ice cream my way.

So, whoever you are, thank you, grazie, spaciba. I hope your identity doesn't always remain mysterious though because you deserve a proper “thank you” in-person. As life would have it, the thing I was mentally spazzing about yesterday turned out to be absolutely nothing, but I still deeply appreciated the ice cream (as did the other Andalasia ladies). Anything with chocolate and hazelnut cures a multitude of ills, even if they turn out to be unfounded, pseudo ills by the end of the day. Your kind and thoughtful gesture definitely did not go unnoticed.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The 70's Are Over!

A few hours ago, some of us Andalasians were talking about how we enjoy being sappy and sentimental... but we've been very conflicted throughout our lives about letting that show. And I have the sneaking suspicion that it's not limited to the ladies in this house. I think a lot of women are feeling the same way. We figured it has something to with wanting to appear capable - Proving that our heads aren't always in the clouds, or that our thoughts aren't easily swayed by fleeting emotions. Because that would make us less credible.

We've been raised to believe that we can do anything the boys can do. We hear that we need to get higher degrees, and succeed in competitive careers! Join the army! Become President of the United States! Toughen yourself up, and take it like a man! While you're at it, wear the pants in your relationship, IF you're weak enough to need a man! Heaven forbid you "waste your life" keeping a home, supporting a husband, and raising children!

Darn feminist movement. The 70's are over, people!

Sorry. Tangent.

So basically, culture has been telling us all our lives that we need to shut down the emotional side of our brains in order to be more rational, reasonable, intellectual, and capable, and therefore more competitive and successful. Because it is what we women "must do" these days. It's expected of us.

I've spent most of my life doing a frighteningly good job of internalizing everything I felt. Only in the past several months (my roommates have testified to this) have I really been coming to grips with the idea that trying to hide my emotional side is pretty silly. I don't have to suppress it in order to be an intelligent being. I don't have to be any less "capable" in order to acknowledge my emotions. God gave them to me - they are valuable, and I should embrace them. God himself is an emotional being. Just look - He weeps and rejoices all over the Bible! And He is Love! He cares for the littlest sparrow - you can't even imagine how much more He cares for you, a being made in His image!

And He gave women such an extreme capacity for emotion that was created to complement men! It really is a shame we're compelled to stifle it. Let's stop trying to, shall we, ladies? I can say from experience that life is so much more fulfilling when you take time to fully experience and appreciate the beauty in life. Doing so will not make you any less capable. You don't have to prove anything. :)

On that note, future husband of mine somewhere out there, let it be known that I won't fight you for the sake of proving my capability in most cases... EXCEPT when it comes to hooking up the DVD player to the tv and speakers. I take great joy in connecting audio/visual equipment, and I can do it just fine on my own, thankyouverymuch! he he he...

"If you live wide-eyed in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. Keep your eyes open, your lamp burning, so you don't get musty and murky. Keep your life as well-lighted as your best-lighted room."
- from Luke chapter 11

you don't have to try, you don't have to change, baby you stay just the same.

Has anyone ever had something you really wanted to say about a topic, but couldn't figure out how to put words to it? I've had a nagging at me for a long time about something, and up until recently I couldn't ever describe it. Not until I was reading a book the other night with my lovely housemates and BAM. Finally. Someone with a brain and a half said what I had been feeling. So here it is, on the topic of dating.

"...Now, part of the problem is the creepiness of the dating practices in our western culture. Honestly, most dating is only half a step up from used-car salesmanship. Stay with me here. To put it bluntly but accurately, the idea in western culture dating is to sell yourself. The last thing you want is for the other person to really get to know you. Consequently, a man who doesn't like to shop will suddenly be saying things like, "Sure, honey, I would love to go to another twelve stores to look for those special shoes you have in mind." A woman who doesn't appreciate sports will find herself volunteering to watch sports with her date and his buddies for hour upon endless, grueling hour.

Having seen the other only on their best behavior, the man and woman each convince themselves that they have found a nearly perfect person. As they move toward that day when they will actually begin living together in the world's most comprehensive relationship, they do not factor into their expectations the difficulties of life in this broke-house of a world.

...The problem is that the marriage began with unrealistic expectations."

Now...there are probably several posts I could make about those couple paragraphs. So i'll try to make it brief. First off, I don't want you to ever pretend to be someone you're not just to get to me. There is a VAST difference in sharing each others interests and trying new things because the person you are with enjoys them, and pretending to like things you really don't. Do you see what I'm saying? I would like it if you would at least take a listen to my favorite bands and albums. I would like for you to show me that the things I enjoy are important to you by having a conversation with me about them. But do I expect you to like all those bands, albums, art, dorky hobbies and cleaning? Not at all. It's okay if we have different interests. I remember once having a conversation with my boss and I was concerned about a potential relationship. "But Kori, he's a marathon runner. I HATE running. It wouldn't work out right." I distinctly remember feeling like a moron after she pointed out how silly that was. " know its better if you have different interests because you both bring more to the relationship, right?" The point is, take interest, but don't change who you are to be my twin. That's just creepy and misleading.

The other part that really struck a chord with me was just a word. Expectations. more specifically, unrealistic expectations. I'm not quite sure what I expect, to be honest. Do I think God will just have a perfect-lindsay-would-dig-him-right-away-and-they-instantly-fall-in-love-and-he's-gorgeous-beyond-reason mold in which he would kindly send to my front step via UPS? Of course I wouldn't admit to thinking that, but when I really think about it I probably have acted like that.

The fact of the matter is that it's important to have expectations. As long as they are the right ones, and by right ones I mean Godly, biblical, healthy ones. If I ever expect to get married, and have a happy fulfilling marriage, I had better drop the silly unnecessary expectations of perfection. If I expect a man to call me his beautiful wife every day of our lives, I had better realize he's saying that with the full knowledge of all my faults, flaws, annoyances, and quirks. And I should be so glad to have and love a handsome husband who is less than perfect as well.

The GBS Phenomenon

GBS or Googaly Brain Syndrome is popular among women of all ages, but particularly prevalent in single women. It is the direct result of a variety of situations that are exciting, confusing or out of her control, always in association with an OIM (Obviously Interested Man).

The condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the subjects ability to think straight. GBS is a pandemic, it has affected thousands of women all over the world.


  • The OIM Name Drop - This is an early sign of GBS. The OIM name drop is a sign that the subjects brain has been infiltrated by the OIM. Spotting this early might help in controlling the effects of GBS.
  • Uncontrollable Smiling & Giggling - In many cases the subject is unable to control their smiling reflexes, any hint of the OIM and the subject will smile without reason for an extended period of time. The subject might also be prone to frequent fits of giggling, this could be sparked by almost anything that reminds them of the OIM.
  • Communication Attachment - You might find that the subject of GBS is very attached to their cell phone or computer, this is because they are hoping to receive communication from the OIM. A popular display of communication attachment is seen in the Text and Smile - where communication attachment and the uncontrollable smiling are combined together.
  • The Fetal Position or Buried Head - You might notice that when the subject is confronted on the matter of the OIM, a popular response might be to curl up in a ball or bury their head into something, like a pillow, although this response has little to no effect on the GBS, it does tend to comfort the subject.


  • OIM (Obviously Interested Man)- OIM are the primary cause of GBS, the signs of OIM include but are not limited to: Frequent visits, excessively calling, gift giving, copious flattery, offering to drive, offering to cook, going out of his way to see you, volunteering to watch chick flicks, extended eye contact, back rubs, cuddling, hand-holding, and in very rare cases kissing.
  • AGM (Amy Grant Man)- Called the AGM because like the 1988 Amy Grant Album, they tend to "Lead Me On". AGM are particularly dangerous because they will often exhibit many of the signs shown by OIM without being actually interested in the subject. Problems arise when the subject suffers from GBS while the subject is interacting with the AGM. The results usually end in disappointment, over-analyzation and ultimately broken heart.


  • Teasing - Teasing is best when exhibited from the close friends and family of the subject. Teasing will result in uncontrollable smiling, the fetal position and buried head. Beware of overuse of teasing as it may cause the subject's GBS to become more severe.
  • DTR (Define the Relationship)- Defining the relationship is best when executed by the OIM. This helps maintain the normal patterns of pursuit. The Define the Relationship talk usually results in the mutual tellings of feelings. This is a cure for GBS because the subject no longer has to live in confusion about the meaning of all the signs of the OIM, but now knows from the source that her suspicions are correct.

Not all women suffer from GBS to same severity. Please check with a doctor before using any real medications in association with GBS.

Women suffering from GBS should consult with a trusted friend or confidant who can help verify the existence of a OIM versus an AGM.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Climate Control

Dear Future Husband,

In order to avoid waking up in the early stages of hypothermia this morning, I put a little space heater in my room last night. Mornings are especially hard for me anyway, but downright near impossible to function when I'm cold. Brittany woke up to see me sitting literally two feet in front of the little space heater, which I had set to blast me with 80 degree air. She just looked at me and said, "Really, Marlys? Really??"

Yes. Really. :(

If you know me at all by now, future husband, you must know that I am perpetually colder than everyone else around me, and I LIVE for the days when the temperature is 80 degrees or more - which, in Minnesota, is about two, maybe three months out of the year. The rest of the year is pretty depressing for me.

I adore summer, and all things tropical. I love beaches, palm trees, big exotic flowers, tropical fruit, and basking in the sun when it's hot enough to make my skin tingle. I love being able to run outside in shorts and a t-shirt without getting goosebumps and shivering. Being outside is like being in a relaxing sauna, or an ongoing hug that warms me to the core! Few things frustrate me more than coming in from a gorgeous hot day and stepping into a frigidly over-air-conditioned building. I would rather stay outside and sweat. Long, hot days are very fulfilling to my soul, followed by balmy nights sitting around a bonfire, roasting marshmallows and gazing up at a sky full of stars.

Summer has just passed, and cooler temperatures have set in now. I love many things associated with fall: the beauty of the colorful leaves, raking, hot apple cider, pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving... but I can't shake the fact that fall is one big DUN-DUN-DUN for me.

Fall taunts me, saying, "Heh heh heh, Marlys, you think it's cold NOW?? Just you wait! Pretty soon my friend Winter will be here, and he will make you bundle up in even more constricting layers of clothing just to survive, but no matter how many layers you stack on, your tiny body will never produce enough heat to trap under said layers! Even indoors, because no one will want to turn up the heat a few more notches for you to thaw out a little! Mwahahaha! Every muscle of yours will be tense for months on end, which you might temporarily fix with a back rub, but as soon as you step outside again it will all have been in vain! And not only that, but your boogers will freeze too!!"

And yet... I can't bring myself to consider moving away. At least not yet, and definitely not on my own. I don't know how I've made it through the winters every year here. But I love the area. It's always been my home. And I consider my wonderful friendships/community/church/job/house/et cetera, all worth the frozen boogers.

All this is to say, dear future husband, that location and climate will probably have to be a pretty major discussion topic. I don't mean that to sound scary, because as you can see, I could be persuaded either way. Just wanted to make you aware of the issue.

...And to let you know that if we decide to settle in Minnesota (or, heaven forbid, anywhere else that's cold), that you can expect I will be relying on you a lot to help keep me warm. ;-)


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Let's Be Honest

You will earn more points than you can imagine if you can speak Russian, try to speak Russian, slaughter Russian, or acknowledge that the Russian language exists. I realize it’s a tricky language. The alphabet is a train wreck of dyslexic letters (backward N’s, and R’s--neither which make an “N” or “R” sound) and letters that are reminiscent of something found in the Star Tribune’s Cryptoquip word puzzles (C=S, P=R, B=V). It’s a minefield to navigate, and anyone who makes the valiant effort to tame and dismantle it deserves to be commended. The great thing is, once you do learn to read it, everything will basically be spelled the way it sounds (take that, English!!)

Convoluted alphabet aside, the sound to my ears is hard to surpass (except maybe by Ukrainian). Don’t bother trying to sweep me off my feet with silly, French poetry. Pushkin makes French look like unintelligent babble (some people learn Russian just to be able to read Pushkin’s works), and if you bring up that he was killed in a dual with a Frenchman (in efforts to defend his wife’s honor), you will be in the red by a negative five million points and pretty much irredeemable. D’Anthes was a jerk, and Pushkin would not have died of such a wound if he had lived in more modern times, but I digress.

Black belt level: Know more Russian than I do, and use it in conversation. Not that I know tons of Russian by any means, but going beyond basic phrases would be nice. I do realize a guy has to start somewhere though, and seeing that you’re trying to make an effort is wonderful. I do have patience.

Above all, don’t mistakingly think that throwing out random phrases to impress me is going to work. Flattery is shallow. Sure, it may briefly snag my attention, and I’ll appreciate the gesture and may smile kindly in return, but what will really catch my eye is if you love the language/culture/people/history/literature, etc. on it’s own terms. A country of eleven time zones and 1/6th of the world’s land mass is not a pawn in a game to win a gal’s affections. It has to be something that God has put in your heart, something you can’t shake, fathom, or describe. If you like Russia just because you like me, I’ll figure it out pretty fast. If, however, you have a genuine, unquenchable thirst of knowledge and passion for all things of Rus’, I just may be a puddle of goo. This is not a guarantee. My personality does contain more than one dimension, and my areas of interest are pretty broad, so making the effort of getting to know me as an entire person on multiple levels is best. In other words, a lot of other factors need to come into play, but like I said, you’ll have bleeped on the radar. Seeing as though so many people I know jokingly reduce Russians to barbaric, alcoholic, Communists, it is indeed a thing of comfort to find anyone who views them intelligently (let alone has travelled to/wants to travel to Russia) and knows Russians for the depth of inner beauty that they possess.

As I once read somewhere:

"Russia is huge, as are its needs and its glories; it is wild, it is unpredictable, it is passionate, and it is wonderful."

In other words, Russia is an adventure waiting to happen. If I can find someone who’s up for such an adventure (from time to time as money permits ;-)), I’m taking applications.

The view from a few years from now...

A sweet post from a friend of mine!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Love of a Lifetime

Today, I had to face one very sobering fact.  I am a girl and I am totally and irrevocably, a romatic sap at heart.

You see, my 4'11' mom set an example of not letting the hand your were dealt keep you from accomplishing anything, she taught me that I am capable and strong.  My do-it-yourself dad taught me how to swing a hammer and roof a house.  I like to believe that I am independent and I can take care of myself.  

Tonight I watched Letters to Juliet, a very predictable chick flick, as I had expected, but a story about sweethearts who had fallen in love 50 years before, married other people, had families of their own and after the death of their spouses, 50 years later, they found each other and were married at last.

Now I know that this is a ficitious story, but it got me thinking about love and romance.  My do-it-yourself, stand-on-your-own-two-feet attitude has gotten me through a lot of things in life, and most days it carries me through, the drive and passions that I have are important and part of who I am to the core, but part of me still longs for something more.

I long to be held in the arms of a man who loves me for all my faults, all my failures, all my strengths and all my joys.  I still wait for the day when I will be standing in front of my closest friends and family, staring into the eyes of my best friend.  And most of all, I look forward to the day when across from me I see a wrinkled old man, he has walked with me through many seasons of life, he has been there in the hard times and in the best times and he is still anxious to take me by the hand and face the next stage with the woman he loves.

Why We Started "Dear Future Husbands"

First of all, we are not out to bash men in any way. We really appreciate how God made men! :)
Rather, we wanted to bridge a communication gap between the sexes.

It is an outlet for us, as single young women, to tell you men what we wish you knew, minus the awkwardness of saying it to you individually in person.

And for you, future husbands everywhere, it's a candid glimpse of the inner thoughts of some real women. A lot of things we write about have been published before - it's not necessarily earth-shattering information. But hopefully it means more coming from us, rather than from a book or an article making broad generalizations. We want this blog to help you understand "what women want," and why. We want you to understand us, really!! Hopefully the things we write about are helping you make sense of the tangled mess of our minds, giving you some good insights, and helping you become a better future husband to whomever you decide to marry.

If someone wants to start a "Dear Future Wives" blog, I would be very interested in reading it! :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Married in the Morning!

Although this scene takes in the magical land of Andalasia, this line probably won't work on any of the Andalasia Ladies... just saying.

To my Dear Future Husband,

I have been let down a lot.
I'm cautious because I don't want to get my hopes up. Again.
Please, *please*... be persistent with me.
I want to make sure it's really you.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

STEPS FOR MAKING A DECISION (particularly in reference to relationships):

1. Figure out what you're deciding between. Take inventory of your options.

2. Pray about it. Be genuine here. It's all well and good to say "Your will be done, Lord," but don't just leave it at that. There should be some conversation too. Vent to your Father. Tell him everything running through your mind, and talk about what you're hung up on. He knows your thoughts, but he wants to hear you say them. ...This trait of God he also instilled in women ;-)

3. Seek wise counsel. Talk to some folks you really trust with outside perspectives. Talk to men who have been married for a long time. Then re-evaluate your options.

4. Consider your gut feeling. It's usually right. Could be the prompting of the Holy Spirit! Repeat Step #2 to make sure...!

5. Make the best choice based on the information you have. Put it into action!

...We find it very attractive when you confidently make a decision and do something about it :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

To the Future Wives

It has come to my attention that a good portion of the readers of DFH are women. I think this is because we, the women, like to know we are not alone in the world, that are other people out there feeling just as confused as we are. I wanted to take the opportunity to address the women, the future wives and tell you a few of the things that I have learned (or am still learning), so…

To The Future Wives:

I know most of you are excited for the day when you will be married, some of you have dreamed of that day and some of you have already picked out your reception location. It's so easy to think about the future, the things to come and the what will be, that sometimes we forget to appreciate the present, to seize the day. So here are a few pieces of advice for the meantime:

I have heard so many women talk about everything they are not, more than I care to even count, but what about everything that we are? Each of us has something unique to offer, for some of us, that might be more awkwardness than grace or elegance, but that doesn't mean it's not worthwhile. Not every man is looking for the prim and proper, always put together woman who looks like she just stepped out of an advertisement in Martha Stewart magazine. I know I am not looking for the guy who just walked out of a Hollister ad, I am looking for a guy who can appreciate the fact that I love Joss Whedon TV shows, nerdy tshirts, apple products, ultimate frisbee and photography more than I love cleaning.

Somehow we get the idea in our heads that only the perfect girls that will find someone? But who are they? We all make mistakes, we all get zits on our faces, have bad hair days or bad hair years and would probably change something about our physical appearance if it was left up to us.

I know it's cliche and over stated, but the man who truly loves you, will know all of your strengths and all of your weaknesses and he will love you all the same and that is a beautiful thing. Confidence goes along way, knowing who you are will help a man know who you are. If you are awkward, be awkward, if you are clumsy, embrace that. Don't be afraid to sing at the top of your lungs in the car, dance in front of an open window or laugh until you snort, these are all parts of the creativity of God. He didn't form you in your mother's womb, and then go, "Oops! That's not how that was supposed to turn out!"

So in the words of Dolly Parton, "Find out who you are and do it on purpose," because the sooner we can do that, the sooner we can live in the full knowledge that we are created by God and God doesn't make mistakes.

Find ways to continue growing, pursue your passions, find adventure, learn about what interests you. Don't ever think that you life begins or ends with or without a man. This world is full of many wonderful things, places to visit, people to met, food to taste. Don't spend your life waiting for the next stage, embrace the stage you are in. I know this one is harder for some people who aren't naturally inclined to do something like this, so, to get you started here is a list of things you can do, some are free, some are not, but hopefully it will inspire you to do something new.

  • Visit a museum
  • Try a new ethnic food (I strongly recommend: Ethiopian, Japanese or French)
  • Spend a day by a body of water: Lakes, Rivers, Oceans
  • Take a road trip
  • Read a classic novel
  • See a play
  • Cook something new
  • Go on a photography walk
  • Go to the drive-in theater
  • Play paintball (it's fun, if you can handle a little pain)
  • Go Geocaching (
  • Visit a new city
  • Grow Something
  • Play a sport (personally, I recommend Ultimate Frisbee)
  • Join a club - Book club, Bunko League, Bowling League, Bible Study
  • Go dancing - If you need a place to go, my roommates can make a few recommendations!
  • Take lessons - Guitar, voice, dance, acting
  • Write a song
  • See a concert
  • Learn a language
  • Take a class - pottery, art

(If you are in minneapolis and want more specific recommendations, just let me know!)

On the surface, this may appear to be horrible advice, to lower your expectations, but stay with me for a minute. For ___ years, you have watched the princess be saved by the prince, you have listened to the countless songs telling of the wonders of love and you have read the great stories penned from the hands of writers over time and I think sometimes our heads get puffed up with theses ideas of how love is going to be.

In all my experience with relationships, not that it's extensive, they are rarely graceful, in fact, they are generally awkward and they certainly never live up to the slow motion montages featured in most chick flicks.

My parents separated two years ago and it has made me rethink everything that I thought I knew about marriage. It's not this fluffy fairytale where you decide that you love each other and then everything magically falls into place. Marriage is a commitment, a fight, even a war at times. We have to prepare ourselves for that, to be prepared for confrontation, to put fail-safes in place so that when we falter, we have a net of support.

No, lower your expectations doesn't mean to settle for Mr. Collins just because you are afraid of being alone, it just means understand where you are setting the expectations too high, where you are lost in the thought of the perfect man and the perfect marriage that are fabricated from fictional stories that will never come true.

The longer I live, the more I realize how wrong I can be. For instance, if my life had gone according to my plan at 16, I would have been married, working at an awesome Christian radio station that I helped start, driving a Chrysler Sebring convertible, living in Colorado Springs and I would probably have a little baby running around. As it turns out, I am 24, living in a house full of women, driving a Toyota Matrix, working in marketing for a small company that no one has ever really heard of, in fact, most of my friends can't even remember what it's called, spending the weekends taking pictures of other people getting married BUT I am incredibly blessed by the people in my life and I wouldn't trade it for my 16-year-old self's plan anyday. You see, if I had gotten what I wanted, I wouldn't be where I am right now, living in a community of women who challenge me to be better, getting to witness first hand the lives of my best friends.

I know all of you reading this probably don't feel the same way I do right now, maybe you don't have a job or you are living at home or whatever the case may be, and trust me, I have been there, in the place of uncertainty. But I know that each of those places in our lives is there so we can learn something, so we can be better, to prepare us for what is ahead. God knows each of our hearts, he knows what I need to learn and he knows what you need to learn.

Ultimately, these are just the ramblings of a girl who is struggling to figure life out just as much as the rest of you are, but I know there are a few things that I have actually managed to learn along the way. Being a girl isn't easy, there are lots of dangers, pitfalls and black holes that we can fall into in our own minds, but when we truly learn to trust God's plan and take the time to see the reasons why he puts us where we are and made us who we are, I think that is when we can find true joy.

A recent midnight encounter.

After my roommates and I found some of these on our deck, we decided to do some research to see how we could make them live. Turns out we probably won't do anything and be masochistic fish killers. Mind you - we found these fish at midnight on our deck encased in a tall large clear tube about 5 inches in width. This large tube was a giant light that shot up spinning bubbles from the bottom. So basically we had a really awesome light with a lot of dizzy smoothie drunk fish.

What kind of fish you ask? Feeder Guppies. And this is what we learned:

"The males are absolutely horrible fish. They will chase around the females 24 hours a day. They will move from female to female and chase them around. The females will swim around in circles trying to get rid of the males. Fancy guppies do not do this as much as feeder guppies. The male feeder guppies are absolutely obsessed with the female guppies. They will even stress them out until they become weak and die from an illness. The males are also very fast and they will steal all the food as well."

The response of an unnamed roommate: "Why am I not suprised?"
I believe at that point we all said, amen.

To all of you good intentioned men, who only mean well, I'm sorry that all the cruel unthoughtful boys have cast such a horrible light on your gender. We do realize there ARE men out there who are NOT feeder guppies.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Embracing the Inner Disney Princess

For my birthday a few weeks ago, I was given not one, but two cards with Disney princesses on them. Both of them played music. I am a 20-something-year-old gal, mind you. Granted, one was picked out by my four-year-old niece who is obsessed with all things Disney princesses, but the other was from my 100% Italian, 5’1, 87-yr.-old Nana. Of course, it was carnation-pink with Cinderella in her blue ball gown flanked on either side by a flippered Ariel and graceful Sleeping Beauty donning a golden crown and off-the-shoulder, pink dress. “For the Birthday Princess” it read in white lettering across the top, my name written in pen below with an arrow swooping down and pointing to Cinderella’s clavicle. Sure, I’ll settle for Cinderella. Ariel was whiny and spoiled, Sleeping Beauty was dim-witted and naive, and let’s face it, unconscious for a good portion of the movie. Cinderella put up with a lot of crap! She’s by far the most realistic. She was down-to-earth, content and humble despite her circumstances and she didn’t throw pity-parties about how her prince hadn’t come yet, nor did she think said prince would solve all her problems. It’s not that she didn’t wish things were different. She was optimistic, but also realistic.

I’ve often wondered what the draw is to these princesses as they often only reinforce unrealistic expectations about beauty, love, marriage, and so many other things. “Every girl can beeee a princess!! Any dream can beeeee!!” the card from my Nana wistfully sang. I guess I must be an odd duck in the sense that I never went through the typical girly princess phase. Although my room growing up did have matching Pepto Bismol pink curtains and bedspread, and pink was hands-down my favorite color in Kindergarten, not much else materialized in that realm. For the most part, I was never one to host tea parties for my Care Bears, nor did I ever want traditional dolls or long to twirl around in poofy skirts just for fun (the exception being when I would get to wear awesome, poofy skirts for dance costumes or dress up in my sister’s old ballet dresses). As far as Disney movies went, my favorites have always been non-princess movies (Pinocchio and Lady and the Tramp). Go figure. In reflecting upon my childhood, I’ve often wondered if my parents’ divorce when I was five had anything to do with the silencing of my inner Snow White. I mean, five-years-old is prime princess phase time. I’ve always had a great, close relationship with my dad, but sometimes I wonder if something subliminal happened at that point. It doesn’t really make sense for a little girl to dream of a prince on a white horse coming to whisk her away in a pretty dress and make everything better when the reality of marriage not always ending in “happily ever after” is staring at her cold in the face.

On the tangent of princesses, I have often seen this sentiment of girly perfection carried over into expectations of Christian women. Just pick up any book on relationships, understanding women (yes, some people attempt such risky endeavors), or look on the nightstand of most female freshman at Northwestern, and you’ll find plenty of kindling on the matter. Yes, men and women are definitely wired differently which is a gift and something I’m thankful for, but I don’t think we should pigeon-hole ourselves into these neat, little categories of “warrior man” and “princess woman”, and I think God’s a bit more creative than that. I mean, it’s ridiculous to expect every man to love deer hunting, American football and fixing cars, but why is it expected that all little girls are the same? I remember reading Captivating a few years back, and it had a lot of truth in it and a lot that I could relate to. At the same time, I look around me, and so often there’s this unspoken impression that I have to be this 1950’s housewife who wants seven children and does all the “right” Christian, womanly duties to be considered Godly.

Let me just add here that I do acknowledge the generalizations made in such books as Wild at Heart and Captivating. Men, regardless of interests or pastimes, do enjoy a good adventure and pursuit and women do have an inward wiring for romance and being pursued. I’m just saying that how that will be expressed from man-to-man or woman-to-woman will vary.

With that said, I’m not a 21st-century Betty Crocker. I don’t particularly like cooking, nor do I find emotional satiety in baking. I hated sewing class in 8th grade. I wear skirts and dresses only when mandated (weddings and the like) although that is slowly changing. I recently wore a skirt every day for a week, and I’ll admit that I was a little sad when I wore jeans again. I’m definitely not a tomboy, though. I grew up loving My Little Ponies and Rainbow Brite, and I took dance classes (including ballet) for 10 years. I am terrified of creepy-crawly bugs, I own a jewelry box along with soft purple sweaters, and I do enjoy an occasional chick-flick surrounded by my close friends and good chocolate.

So here’s where I wonder (rhetorically)...Do I have to fit some unattainable, cookie-cutter, model of what it means to be a Christian woman? Am I supposed to embrace this “inner Disney princess” that I’m pretty sure has gone on a 20-year wild goose chase? Do I have to be so sweet 24/7 that I ooze pixie sticks out my pores? Does hospitality have to be my highest score on a spiritual gifts inventory test? Despite the fact that I’m wired pretty strongly as a reflective and reserved introvert, sometimes I ponder if you’ll still consider me lovely and beautiful if I’m witty and sarcastic at times or if you’ll think me unladylike if I jump up and down and yell at the screen like a maniac when the Vikings are on. Will you think I’m a weirdo if I insert random, Russian words into everyday conversation? I say I ask these things rhetorically because I know deep down that it’s ridiculous to think I have to compromise who I am or be someone I’m not to be accepted by others. After all, haven’t we been spoon-fed this stuff from Mr. Rogers since we were pre-schoolers?

In closing, (I know, you’re asking “IS there an end to this post?) I once read a piece of flair on a friend’s Facebook page that said, “All I want is a guy who knows my flaws and struggles that come with loving me and still thinks I’m worth the trouble!” I think a lot of women would agree with this, and I’d expect a lot of guys would say the same in what they’re looking for in a woman. Nobody wants to be put in compartmentalized boxes of expectations but to be accepted for who they are, warts and all. As I’ve heard it said, “What else do we want, each one of us, except to love and be loved?” Whoever you are, future husband, I want you to know that I have more than my fair share of quirks, flaws and struggles. I’m a work in progress, and after living with 31 people over the last seven years, I’m convinced everyone, even those who would love to don a paper mask that they have it all together, have their own issues and emotional baggage to claim. The last thing I want you to feel is that you have to be this unrealistic knight in shining armor on a white horse. Have a goofy sense of humor, embrace your inner Star Trek junkie, have a never-ending quest of finding the perfect Swedish cuisine to be shared by candlelight (as long as it’s not lutefisk). It doesn’t really matter. Let’s just be human and do this crazy thing called “life” together because living like gender textbook robots and greeting card princesses whisks all the fun out of life.

Dear Future Husbands of the Andalasia Ladies:

We ain't gettin' any younger, ya know.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Regarding Squeaks

Dear Future Husband:

I feel that it is my obligation to warn you of the creature sometimes referred to as “Pip”. As Pip and I are inseparable it is probably best that you know some of her common behaviors and attributes.

Name: Pip

Anatomy: Pip is a very confused creature. While she has only two legs and two arms it is not entirely uncommon for her to behave as though she has four legs or even wings. While pitiable, it is probably best not to discourage these thoughts since dispelling them could only result in further confusion.
Diet and foraging behavior: Pip is a shameless beggar. She has acquired a taste for human food that particularly extends to all sorts of baked goods. Do not be ensnared by her pathetic sounds or otherwise endearing behavior. Pip is a wily and calculated creature. You can be sure that she is aiming to please in order to receive the desired item.

Reproduction: Unknown.

Behavior: in particular…
Vocalization: This is a section that deserves some special attention. Pip is a known mimic, possibly developed as a defense technique. I have included a short list of characteristic squeaks, honks, trills and all other sounds in between. Please keep in mind that this list is not extensive. I am consistently surprised by the range of noises that Pip can produce.
1. Squeaks are probably the most common noise associated with Pip. These can indicate surprise, happiness, sleepiness, and outrage. Use your best judgment to determine what she means and keep in mind that oftentimes she doesn’t need a reason to make a noise.
2. Honks are designed purely for reactionary reasons. If you do not wish to hear her honk, simply ignore her.
3. Trills indicate that Pip is very happy or pleased.
4. Occasionally Pip will make a strange smacking noise when she is being hugged. I’m fairly certain Pip stole the noise from my parent’s old cat who would make the noise when she was trying to work through a hairball. Pip does not get hairballs. She is probably trying to make you believe that she wants to eat you. This is also not true.
5. Kee-ku: This is a specialized sound that Pip makes when she is squishing curly hair. Don’t ask me why.
Finally, whatever you do, do not try to touch her nose. She has learned one English word, a distorted “no” that she will repeat as she backs into a corner. While it is comical to see her go cross-eyed and hear the resultant “bee” when you touch her nose, she may not forgive you for it.

Subspecies: I shudder to imagine any subspecies from Pip. Let us move to the next section and hope they do not exist.
In popular culture: I have taken great pains for Pip not to be exposed too much to the outside world. She is rather manipulative and if she were to appear in popular culture, I am afraid it would simply go to her head. Her motives can be considered questionable at times.

Domestication: Pip would like everyone to believe that she is domesticated. However, I would argue this is only a survival technique. Pip is a very sociable creature and if she can keep a community of people entertained, she will do so to maintain their company. However, she is also a distrustful creature and in large groups of people that she does not know she is likely to become surly and rebellious if asked to perform.

See Also: Moyer family

My sincerest apologies on the length of this post. However, do not hold me responsible if you succumb to Pip’s manipulations because you did not read this. I did try to warn you.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Lovely - Eisley

well. this is for you.
and i realized, i'm simply looking forward to the day that I don't have to wonder anymore.
I don't have to wonder who i'm humming these songs for.
I don't have to wonder: is he into me? is he into her? is he crazy? am i missing something here?

i don't want this to be portrayed in the wrong way, but i think it's the way it ought to be:
I will have no doubt that you love only me, that way.
I won't have to question if you think i'm the most beautiful girl you've ever seen. (even on "ugly" days).
When we're married, and hopefully before that...nobody will have to wonder how much you care about me.
I will be treated with more care, attention and love than any other girl you know.
*Not to be taken as being selfish or controlling. Simply that I think anyone who is in a crowded room who has a brain should be able to clearly tell who is together and who are just friends. If you can't tell the difference, something is wrong. its okay to still flirt with me after we're married. in fact it's encouraged greatly.

and Mr. the same goes for me. I'm gonna be so darn proud of you.
nobody will question our love.
It will be evident in both of our words and actions how much we care for each other.

the only type of questions i want to think about right now is: what should we eat today, darling?

this song is for you, my lovely, my dear, my man.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Things I Am Very Much Looking Forward To

(Volume #1)
  • Just doing life with you, the mundane day-to-day, and still finding a way to laugh about it
  • Getting rooted in a solid church with you
  • Always knowing who my date will be for events
  • Not feeling awkward talking about the future, because I won't have to guess whether or not you want me to be in it with you
  • Not having to be my own breadwinner/handyman/bug-exterminator. I will GLADLY hand those responsibilities over to you!! :D
  • Traveling with you, taking tons of photos, eating lots of food, meeting lots of people, forbearing lots of travel mishaps, and coming home with gazillions of stories
  • Making a home with you, making it a unique, fun and relaxing place to be, and inviting our friends over all the time
  • Raising ridiculous hoodlum children with you, and teaching them to love the Lord and love others
  • Dancing in the kitchen. This is a must.
  • Swooning as you play guitar and/or sing (please tell me you can do at least one of these things! I don't care if you're fantastic at it or not!)
  • Going through crazy life experiences with you that will make for very good stories that we'll be telling people for the rest of our lives
  • Rolling my eyes when you intentionally (OR unintentionally) act ridiculous... but failing miserably at holding back my huge grin that shows I secretly LOVE those moments!

What's in a Name

Dear Future Husband -

I'm sorry to break the news to you but the middle names of our children (Lord willing) have already been decided. I hope that's not too much of a problem.

Now, just to clarify, I haven't actually picked out the names, but I can tell you one thing about them, they will be Japanese.

Depending on how well you know me by the time you read this, you know that my middle name is Miyo, short for Miyoko, meaning beautiful era, and I am the third-generation of children with Japanese middle names.

So, I hope it's not too big of a deal that I went ahead and made that decision without you.

Looking forward to making many decisions with you,
Your Future Wife

Friday, September 3, 2010

Regarding the Most Pertinent Factor

So there has been quite a bit posted on our little blog site. It all has been witty, fun, and very interesting to read but above all it is important to keep perspective of the most pertinent factor. Thus...

Dear Future Husband,
Please don't show up before you are supposed to. 

On Kissing...

"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves."
- Albert Einstein

None of this quick peck nonsense. Please don't kiss me unless you mean it.*

And I really, REALLY hope you mean it every morning before you leave for work, every evening when you come home, and every night before drifting off to sleep.

...And any other times you feel like it in between. :)

* For this reason, i will be wary of kissing you until I know for certain you're going to stick around for the long haul -- until we're engaged, at least. Please don't take offense, and please respect me by not pushing the issue - it's for my own emotional health. Besides... we will have all the time in the world to work on that later. ;) And you, my husband, can feel proud and rest easy, knowing that my lips have never touched another man.

Late Bloomer

I've come to the conclusion that the reason God made me painfully shy, dorky, and socially awkward for most of my life was to protect me from boys. It worked!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

For the stressful days.

I really like anything by Sigur Ros, but if I am ever especially stressed out, this song does the trick every time.  Just play it over and over again until I start breathing like a normal person again.


Dear Future Husband -

I really like adventure, spontaneity, mystery and finding wonder in the little things, it doesn't have to be elaborate.

Just a late night trip to the park, to wade in the cool shiny lake on a late summer night or to stand and stare at the stars from the platform of a playground or enjoy a late night barefoot stroll down the street with old friends under the looming sounds of an approaching thunderstorm.

Just the small things to help me remember that not everything in life is as it seems, places that are full of screaming children and passing cars become peaceful sanctuaries that provide just a little bit of adventure as you anxiously wait for the cop car to come around the corner and tell you that you are not allowed in the park after dark.

So honey, remember to take time to appreciate the wonder in the small things, to be adventurous, to not get caught up in the  in the repetitious routine of daily life, but to appreciate each moment that we have together and to spend sometime barefoot on a beach in the dark, with me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


today i saw a man sitting alone in a restaurant.
he ordered an appetizer and a meal. with a beer to wash it down.
as he ate he was reading a book.

For some reason this greatly saddened me.
All i could think of was all those people who are waiting for the perfect someone to come into their life. Waiting for fate or destiny to sweep them off their feet with some hollywood version of love.

Now don't get me wrong, i'm not saying we should all settle for anyone who will give us affection because we might not get another chance - that's not where I'm going with this at all. I simply mean to say that it's very clear to me that we have a skewed view of love, affection, and all things relational for that matter.

As much as I am terrified of making a wrong choice, I've learned the hard way that I don't ever want to be so scared that instead I take no risk at all. Safe is not in anyway shape or form better than sorry. So, I find myself at the pinnacle of the predicament: To find the place of not settling for someone who doesn't make your heart beat faster and your eyes sparkle, and waiting for a hollywood hero aboard serenity [ ;-) ].

Because I do NOT want to be sitting in a restaurant with nobody to share my day with over a nice meal and a grain belt. I do not want to be that 46 year old woman I know, who lives with her parents and doesn't have a job. Too scared to be out on her own, more lonely than she already is.

So babe, wherever you are, I'm praying to the Lord that He'll help me to trust Him. Because to be honest, some days it's easy to be afraid you'll never find me. And whatever life is throwing at you right now - good luck, and I'm rootin' for ya.

Of Spiders and Damsels in Distress

Dear Man of Mystery,

I really could have used your assistance last night when I encountered a ginormous spider in a bedroom. It was trying to be sneaky and hide in the shadow on the edge of the carpet and hug the baseboard. Alas, it was no match for my eagle eye, which is always on the paranoid lookout for creepy crawlies (yet another reason why I dislike summer--apparently, bugs like air conditioning, too). Maybe I should just marry an Orkin Man. I hear they bring in the big bucks.

At any rate, I occasionally have moments of bravery where I can kill things, so I took the chance that this might be one of those windows of grace where God decides to help me control the pest population. I grabbed a shoe, and sure enough, it was on the move almost immediately. I guess his spidey senses told him death was hovering with his ominous, black hood and wielding his sickle of justice. I have a piece of flair on Facebook for good reason that says, "I'm paranoid because the spider I just saw five seconds ago isn't there anymore."

Sure enough, the little cretin outsmarted me by wiggling his way into a rather large crack in the wall of the neighboring bathroom. It didn't even move that fast. I totally could've gotten it, but I froze and decided to yell instead. So much for bravery.

I'll admit, I then stared at a crack in the wall for a good 20 minutes during most of the length of the 10:00 newscast being broadcast from the living room. Thus, I waited simultaneously sitting on the edge of the bathtub with a big, clompy shoe on one foot while being informed on current events. Then, somewhere during the sports report, I got a genius idea. Hark! A large, orange spray bottle sat on the bathroom vanity! I could still see where the spider was in the crack of the wall by the floor. Perhaps if I just sprayed the crack, it would coax the little demon out and I could clobber it with my shoe!

I filled up the bottle and tested it out. The water jet was like a lazar and not all fanned out like some spray bottles, and the distance it could shoot was impressive. I therefore could keep my distance from the beast. Sure enough, with one squirt, the spider zipped out into the open, froze in place, and *whomp* it was reduced to a greasy spot on my shoe. Victory!!

By no means does this mean you're not needed, dear future husband. I could have gotten back those precious 20 minutes of life if you had swooped in and killed the darn thing in the first place. I mean, men love to feel needed and like they can fix and rescue things, right? Well, I can't imagine anything more heroic than saving a gal from something with fangs and eight legs. Ok, so I can think of a few more things that are more heroic, but this would be a good place to start. I hear Kohls is having a sale on capes. Don't bother on the spandex.